Due to road safety concerns tomorrow morning, we will be operating on a two-hour delay on 1/17/2024. Drop-off will begin at 10:30am.

Hey, ROCS Families!

As we head into the last week of this school year, we have a few reminders for our community.  Have a safe, sunny and amazing summer!

  1. Voting is open for PC Leadership for next school year.  Vote here through June 10th.
  2. We have a Spirit Night at Warrior Tech on Friday, June 10th from 7-8:30pm.  Register here.  This is a great chance for your ROCStar to log some time with school friends before summer begins!
  3. Finally, we will have a delicious last fundraiser of the year to kick off summer vacation.  Stop by when school gets out or any other time they’re open (11am-11pm) on June 14th and mention ROCS.  See the attached flier for all of the yummy details.