Dear ROCs Families,

As members of an office park community, we are subject to guidance provided by the property owners with regard to how our operations impact other businesses. Since we started the school year, the property owners have raised concerns regarding how our carpool procedures have caused our traffic flow to impact other businesses’ properties, and they have asked that we adjust our traffic flow.

Safety and street use are the primary concerns. To improve safety we will need to move our access point in the back, and to improve street usage we will need to change how we enter and exit our carpool zones. Currently, our traffic flow is using areas of the office complex that might appear as though they are cross streets, but are in fact considered parking lots for those businesses. We need to redirect our flow so that we are only using streets and designated entrances and exits. 

Starting Monday 9/9, some parts of our carpool flow will change (map). The Inner Loop access point will move to the walkway by the chicken coop, and will turn right rather than left at the stop sign intersection. The Outer Loop will no longer turn left into the cross “street,” but will follow the carpool lane that borders the field (same as last year). We will direct the traffic where the lines merge at the stop sign. After making a right, the Inner Loop will exit using the back road. This change is necessary because there is no way to exit the complex other than through other businesses’ properties.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation with these changes. Once these procedures are fully established we’re confident that they will meet our objectives of having safe and efficient drop-off’s and pick-up’s for your children. 

In partnership,

Dr. J