Dearest ROCS Families,
First, I would like to start by sharing gratitude for our community. In this season of thankfulness, please know how grateful Parent Circle is for your support and enthusiasm for this unique and wonderful little school of ours. It’s not easy to be the first to try something new, but with your help we are building something beautiful. We hold your families dear and give thanks that each and every one of you are sharing your amazing children with our community! Please have a happy and safe break!
A few reminders for over the break…
- Picture Day, Part 2! Students in grades 4-8 will have their portraits taken on Tuesday, November 29th. This will also be a makeup date for any K-3 students who were absent for their photos last week. Details and tips for getting the best photos are here. We also need a few volunteers to help the day run smoothly. If you are able to help, please sign up here.
- Parent Circle Tailgate: After drop off on Monday, November 28th, Parent Circle will host a coffee tailgate and winter clothing swap in the middle (carpool) parking lot. We’ll provide the coffee (bringing your own mug is encouraged, but we’ll have cups too). We’ll also have a table to place outgrown or unneeded winter outerwear and warm clothing and families are welcome to take what they can use. Any items in any size are welcome, but we’re especially hoping for coats, gloves/mittens, hats, snow pants, boots and other items that keep the winter chill at bay! Please park in the portion of the parking lot closest to the music school (outside of the cones).
- Lost and Found: Storage space at school is limited, so we need to clear out the lost and found! Check through the Lost and Found items for anything you may be missing on November 28th-29th during carpool or during our tailgate event!
- Girls on the Run Community Impact Project: Finally, our ROCS Girls on the Run team has planned and is ready to launch their Community Impact Project to help homeless pets. A bin will be out front at ROCS from November 28th-December 1st to collect: used towels, used blankets, used sheets, new or gently used pet toys, and unopened dog or cat food (wet or dry). The items will be donated to locate shelters or rescues.