Happy Second to Last Week of this school year!  It’s hard to believe we’re here already.  I hope you’ve all had a year full of magical memories and joyful learning.

  1.  As we look forward to next year, we need to elect some new Parent Circle leaders to carry ROCS into its next chapter in its permanent home.  Please vote for those individuals that have bravely stepped up to take on this challenge here.  Please note that we still have some vacancies that must be filled for us to continue our work and consider whether you can be part of the team!
  2. We still need a few Hall Monitors for EOG administration on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week.  Please consider volunteering one last time for this school year and signing up for one of these shifts if you are able!
  3. Finally, don’t forget about our Parent Circle Yard Sale happening on Saturday, June 1st from 8:00am-12:00pm.  The new location will be Triangle Cinemas located at a very familiar location – 9500 Forum Drive!  Sign up as a vendor or come shop!

On a personal note, I wanted to share that this will likely be my last Parent Circle update other than a quick one celebrating our new officers/committee leads.  It has been both an honor and a challenge to be Parent Circle Chair over the past four years and part of this school since it opened. There wasn’t a school like the school we wanted and needed for our children, so we built literally built one.  Our staff has been nothing short of heroic, serving as our North Star and guiding us through more than our fair share of choppy waters.  But the most consistent and stable part of our community has been the core of dedicated and determined families that have never given up on the idea of a public Waldorf-inspired school in North Carolina.  For every family member or friend that picked up a shovel or a hammer or painted a classroom or chalkboard or donated a potluck item or came in to help in the classroom, THANK YOU.  You have kept both me and the school going over these years and I trust you will continue your unwavering support of ROCS and propel it to new heights.  I wish everyone the very best.  Thank you for everything.

