Good Evening ROCS Families 

As I mentioned yesterday, the current carpool design needs to be adjusted to enhance its safety and functionality. Starting with tomorrow’s (9/18) morning’s drop-off, we’ll be implementing a new route as outlined below. This new route will prevent traffic from backing up onto Old Wake Forest Road and with its single-direction flow, will remove the crossing points where on-the-fly negotiation was necessary. 

The person picking up your child will need to use the PikMyKid app. Your child’s unique barcode and pick-up number will be sent home with your child tomorrow – we will enter names manually tomorrow to get the process started. If you experience any issues with the app after tomorrow, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Assistant Director Brittany Wheaton at 

Our goal remains to provide an efficient and safe carpool experience for everyone, and we’re confident that these adjustments will support that goal. 

Thank you for your continued patience and support, 

Dr. J

Carpool Flow Instructions: 

  • The previous “inner” and “outer” loops are no longer in use. Carpool is now a single line, with a single point of entry and exit at the school’s front door, like last year.
  • All carpool traffic should enter Sumner Boulevard from the direction of Ruritania Street (which can be accessed at the traffic light on Old Wake Forest near Panera and BJ’s). 
  • Follow Sumner Boulevard and turn right onto Meridian Drive (the usual entry point). Please do not enter Meridien Drive from any other cross street. ● If the carpool line extends past the intersection of Meridien and Sumner, line up on the right side of Sumner Blvd. Please do not form a line that extends toward Old Wake Forest Rd.
  • Follow Meridien Drive toward the back of the school until you reach the end of the carpool line.
  • As you approach the school the carpool line will follow the lane that borders the field behind the school. If the line extends beyond the field, we line up on the left side of the street.
  • Make right turns until you arrive at the front of the building.
  • Drop off/pick up in the area marked by cones
  • Exit using the main entrance in front of the school.