Parent Circle Update – Week of June 6th

Hey, ROCS Families! As we head into the last week of this school year, we have a few reminders for our community.  Have a safe, sunny and amazing summer! Voting is open for PC Leadership for next school year.  Vote here through June 10th. We have a Spirit Night at...

Parent Circle 2022-23 Leadership Elections

Voting for Parent Circle Leadership for the 2022-23 school year is now open.  Please vote here before 11:59pm on June 10, 2022.  Thank you and have a great week! Good luck on EOGs to our 3rd-7th graders!  You’ve learned so much this year – including much...
Parent Circle Update

Parent Circle Update

Welcome to a new week, ROCS families!  It’s hard to believe it, but the end of the school year is rapidly approaching,  Here are a few updates for the coming week. Friday, May 27th is an Early Release Day and you know what that means….PAJAMA DAY!  A $1...

Parent Circle Update

Greetings, dear ROCS families! Parent Circle would like to share two events happening next week. First, the ROCS Girls on the Run team is working on their Community Impact Project in which they plan and execute a project to benefit some segment of their community. ...

Parent Circle Meeting Tuesday 5/10 at 6:30 PM

Parent Circle would like to invite our community to join us for our last meeting of the school year on Tuesday, May 10th at 6:30 pm via Google Meet. Our Committee Leads and Officers will provide updates and we will discuss some planning items for next school year.  We...